The film’s objective to bring further education of gun violence prevention began at the New York City theatrical events during the week of October 14th, where audience members filled out survey after each screening and discussion. As a result, we learned that...     45% know someone personally affected by gun violence   After watching the film, 93% are more likely to vote for a candidate based on their position on gun violence prevention issues

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"On Sunday evening, shortly after I learned of yet another massacre of innocent Americans by a madman with a gun, I attended the Connecticut premiere of “Newtown,” a documentary chronicling the emotional aftermath for several parents whose children were obliterated by Adam Lanza and his AR-15 at Sandy Hook Elementary School. After the film, I talked with Mark Barden, the father of Daniel Barden, who was murdered at age 7. I marveled at the strength

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Influencers, celebrities and politicians continue to join the Newtown campaign and voice their support and change. “I’m for living a peaceful life...I don’t want to take anybody’s guns away, and I don’t want to tell anybody how to think. I also don’t want my son, my family, or your family to get hurt. It’s entirely preventable...It’s an emotional statement, not a political statement.” - John Slattery, Mad Men Read the full article

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On June 15th, Newtown screens at the White House. At the same time of the screening, Himes' colleagues staged a historic filibuster on the floor of the Senate. Connecticut Senator Chris's Murphy's 15 hour filibuster was unprecedented. "I am convinced, that the momentum with films like Newtown, we can get reform done because we don't have a choice." - Nita

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“You won’t truly understand gun violence until you see the Newtown documentary. It is a visceral, powerful experience. You will cry. It is worth it.” - Esquire Click here to read the article

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"David Wheeler, who lost his son Benjamin in the shooting, praised Snyder for the way she respected the needs and wishes of her subjects during filming. “Her approach of sincere empathy and understanding and her willingness to comply with whatever request I made was really, really successful in building a foundation of trust,” Wheeler said. “It allowed us to talk in a way that I knew was going to help me.” - IndieWire Click here to

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